Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions for pharmacies, pharmacy personnel and other service providers
Effective February 28, 2022
Service provider: any dispenser of medicines, health products or service or an employee thereof.
Participant: any dispenser of medicines, health products or service or an employee thereof who joined MIS platforms
Respondent: any dispenser of medicines, health products or service or an employee thereof who joined MIS platforms who replies to queries, messages or notifications from the MIS
MIS Platform: Any digital platform or forum created, administered or operated by the MIS or its representative(s)
The Medical Information Service (MIS) only engages service providers that hold valid licences issued by the national medicines regulatory authority (The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe) or other relevant authorities. As holders of valid licenses these service providers are presumed to be in good standing with the authorities.
The MIS will forward any reasonable enquiry to participants on the MIS platforms, even about products unavailable on Zimbabwe’s list of approved medicines. This is because pharmacies can legally source and dispense medicines that are unavailable on Zimbabwe’s list of approved medicines according to the relevant laws governing the handling of unregistered medicines in Zimbabwe.
The MIS also forwards enquiries involving products that are absent on Zimbabwe’s list of approved medicines as a way of collecting data on the state of Zimbabwe’s health system. If a participant is unable to assist with a particular query generated by the MIS, they will be expected to disregard the query or indicate their inability to assist.
By notifying the MIS that they can dispense a particular product/service or that they can source it, respondent(s) imply that they and the pharmacies they act on behalf of, will comply with all laws, rules and regulations governing the practice of pharmacy in Zimbabwe when assisting the MIS and the person who generated the enquiry.
The MIS shall not, at any time, advertise any product or service on behalf of any pharmacy or service provider.
The MIS shall does not act as an agent in any capacity for any participating pharmacy or service provider.
Instead, the MIS distributes the details of any participant who would have responded to an enquiry forwarded on the same.
Responding to MIS queries is voluntary, the MIS shall not be liable for any adverse outcome that befalls a respondent or participant as a result of responding to MIS queries or participating on its platforms.
If the MIS gathers evidence of any unlawful conduct or malice by a participating pharmacy, the MIS reserves the right to exclude the offending pharmacy or person from further participation on MIS platforms or activities, after providing prior notice to the offending pharmacy or person.
If you choose to be a participant or respondent, your relationship with MIS is limited to being an independent, third-party contractor, and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of MIS for any reason, and you act exclusively on your own behalf and for your own benefit, and not on behalf, or for the benefit, of MIS.
In the process of executing the MIS mission, the MIS collects, stores and analyses information about the products and services you provide, as reported by respondents and participants.
The MIS uses, stores, and processes this information to provide, understand, improve, and the MIS Platform, and to create and maintain an excellent service for all stakeholders.
Note: Malice includes but is not limited to intentional actions that endanger the health of people that use the MIS or the reputation of the MIS.
Terms and conditions for users of the MIS
Effective February 28, 2022
User: any person who sends a query to he Medical Information Service
MIS Platform: Any digital platform or forum created, administered or operated by the MIS or its representative(s)
The Medical Information Service (MIS) only engages service providers or personnel from the service providers that hold valid licences issued by the national medicines regulatory authority (The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe) or other relevant authorities. These service providers are presumed to be in good standing with the authorities.
The MIS does not refer or direct users to any service provider. Instead, the MIS only provides the necessary details of the service providers that claim to be able to assist users of the MIS service in accessing a particular product or service. The choice regarding where to access products or services rests entirely with the user of the MIS service.
Consequently, the MIS shall not be liable for any adverse outcome befalling a user of the MIS service during or after the process of engaging an authorised service provider.
The MIS services does not provide user(s) with information about how to access to illicit or other harmful substances.
The MIS reserves the right to lockout/block any user when the MIS suspects that a user is attempting to use the service in an unauthorised or malicious manner. This includes but is not limited to, attempting to procure medicines without a legitimate need or a valid prescription.
When you use the MIS Platform, the MIS collects information about the products and services you require and how you use them, your location and contact details, other relevant information, in order to provide you with a service.
The MIS uses, stores, and processes information about you to provide, understand, improve, and develop the MIS Platform, and to create an excellent service.
The MIS may contact you for feedback about your experience. The MIS may also contact you to inform you about information that is relevant to your health and wellbeing and information about MIS products and services.
Zvamunofanira kuziva maererano nekushandisa MIS
Kutanga musi wa28 Kukadzi, 2022
Medical Information Service (MIS) inoshanda bedzi nevatengesi vane mvumo pamutemo, yekutengesa mishonga nezvimwe zvinobatsira pautano.
MIS inokuzivisai vatengesi vanenge vataura kuti vanokwanisa kutengesa kana kuwana zvamuri kutsvaga, pamwechete nemitengo yacho. Sarudzo yekwamunozoenda kunotenga, ndeyenyu moga. MIS haiukutumii kunzvimbo kana kukusundai kunzvimbo kana kukusarudzira nzvimbo dzekunotenga mishonga kana zvimwe zvishandiso. Naizvozvo, MIS haina zvipomerwa kana mukawirwa nedambudziko pamunenge muchienda kana kuti mushure mekunge masarudza mutengesi wamunoda kubatsirwa naye.
MIS haibatsire vanhu kuwana zvinhu zvinodhaka kana kuti zvinokanganisa utano.
MIS inokwanisa kuramba kubatsira munhu anoratidza zviratidzo zvekuti ari kuda kushandisa MIS nenzira dzakaipa kana dzisina kufanira, zvinosanganisira kutsvaga mushonga pasina kodzero kana tsamba yachiremba.
Pamunoshandisa MIS, tinokubvunzai pamusoro pemishonga kana zvishandiso zvamunotsvaga uye nemashandisiro amunoita mushonga nezvimwe zvishandiso. Tinokubvunzai zvekare pamusoro penzvimbo kana guta ramunenge muri. Tinokwanisazve kuona nhamba dzenyu dzenhare. Tinokwanisa zvekare kukubvunzai mimwe mubvunzo yakasiyana-siyana. Zvose izvi tinozviita kuti tikwanise kukubatsirai nemazvo.
Ruzivo rwamunotipa, tinorwuchengeta nenzira dziri pamutemo, tigorwuongorora, tigorwushandisa kuti tikwanise kunzwisisa, nekukwenenzvera chirongwa cheMIS, kuti tirambe tichikubatsirai nomazvo.
MIS inogona kukubatai panhare kuti tinzwe zvamunofunga pamusoro peMIS, uye zvamunosangana nazvo mukushandisa MIS. MIS inogona zvekare kukubatai panhare kuti tikuzivisei pamusoro pezvinhu zvatinofunga kuti zvinogona kubatsira utano hwenyu kana kuti zvimwewo zvirongwa zvinoitwa neMIS.
Okumele likwazi mayelana lokusebenza kwe MIS
Okumisiweyo lokukhangelelweyo sikhangelane lokutholiswa uncedo (Terms and Conditions)
Kusukela mhlaka 28 Nhlolanja 2022
I Medical Information Service (MIS) isebenza kubathengise abalemvumo youkuthenisa imithi lokunye ukuncedisa kwezempilo, evela kugatsha lwe Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ).
Umsebenzi we MIS yikuli cebisa lapho okulemithi kumbe okunye okuncedisa empilweni elikudingayo letengo yakho. Ngemva kwalokho sokuyini elizabona ukuthi lifuna ukuthenga ngaphi. I MIS ayikho ukulitshela ukuthi liyethenga ngaphi ngoba kungu mlandu wenu lowo. Ingakho I MIS ayila mlandu ma lingathi lithi lingene inkingeni lapho liyabe lidinga khona imithi lokunye ukunceda impilweni, ngemva kokuxwayiswa yimi MIS lapho okuyabe kulelikudingayo.
I MIS ayisoze incedisi umuntu ukudinga izidaka mizwa (okudakayo) ngoba kuphambanisa ezempilo.
I MIS iyenelisa ukunga ncedisi umuntu okukhanya ukuthi ufuna ukusebenzisa I MIS ngendlela ezingaqondanga, okunjengoku dinga imithi kungela sizatho sokusebenzisa imithi yakhokhona, kumbe kulangela ncwadi (prescription) kadokotela, emithini edinga leyo ncwadi.
Ma lisebenzisa I MIS sizafuna ukubuza phezu kwemithi kumbe lokho ilikudingayo okumayelana lezempilo, futhi sifune ukwazi ukuthi liyisebenzisa njani imithi le, lalokho okunye okuncedisa kwezempilo. I MIS ilakho futhi ukulibuza imbuzo imingengi, enjengokuthi uhlala ngaphi, inombolo zenu ze foni kumbe ezika makhala ekhukhwini. Lokhu sikwenza ukuthi senelise ukulincedisa okupheleleyo.
Ulwazi elisipha lona siyalugcina okusemthethweni, silukhangele ukuze senelise ukuzwisisa nge MIS ukuthi siphakamise uhlelo lwethu lwe MIS, ukuze lubengcono luyephambile, lokuthi sengezelele ezinye inhlelo ze MIS, siqhubeke silincedisa sisiya phambili.
I MIS ilakho ukulithinta ecingweni ukuthi sizwe ukuthi linakana nani nge MIS njalo lokuthi lisitshele lokho ilihlangana lakho lisebenzisa I MIS. I MIS ikhona futhi ukuthi ilithinte ilixwayise okungalinceda empilweni kumbe ezinye inhlelo eziyabe sezikhona.